Friday, March 19, 2010

The Time Machine - Sat. at 2PM

Be sure to turn in tomorrow (Saturday, and every Saturday) at 2:00PM (C.D.T.) for Cory Lockwood and The Time Machine. It's on, broadcasting from 2:00-6:00PM.
Cory picks great songs, and she'll do her best to play your requests.
Check out the Chat on the station's website, which is the only place to listen. This is an internet-only station, but it won't be "-only" much longer.
Dave Gardner, Henry Stevens and Jim Matthews are scheming to start up "real" radio at 1610AM, so that you can catch the programming in your car (you do have an AM radio in the gas buggy, don't you?). An FM station may be just over the horizon, too.
Of course, we really know that "real" radio is on the internet.

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