Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How do you spell Relief?

N-o-t  G-u-i-l-t-y

Congratulations, Lou!

The second go-around against McHenry County State's Attorney Lou Bianchi went the same way as the first. Very well for Lou and his attorney, Terry Ekl. Very poorly for the Special Prosecutors, Henry (Skip) Tonigan and Thomas McQueen.

Winnebago County Judge Joseph McGraw granted a directed finding in favor of Lou.

The Northwest Herald didn't get the headline quite read, when it headed this afternoon's article with "Second prosecution of Bianchi flops again." It didn't. There wasn't. The editors should have either omitted "Second" or "again". A few years ago I was told that editors, not reporters, write the headlines. With instant publishing of articles from remote locations, I don't know if that is still true.

Be sure to read http://www.mchenrycountyblog.com/, http://www.firstelectricnewspaper.com/ and the Northwest Herald for the whole story.

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